Monday 2 February 2009

So it is snowing !!!

In Melbourne yesterday it was 42 degrees, far to hot and uncomfortable with forest fires, power cuts, etc - however we do not have that problem - do we ? Plenty warning from the weather folks - so it was not much of a surprise when i looked out the window at 5 a.m. to see the white stuff - but at 6 a.m. it was a bit wilder. So up and off with no trouble, A702 was gritted as usual, however by the time i reached the City of Edinburgh area , hardly any grit down and Buckstone , Craighouse, etc were like skating rinks - and they being bus routes, not clever. BUT BUT this is nothing compared to the chaos ensuing south of the border - and what is worse, they TV / audio system in the pub has been changed and I cannot fathom out how to change the Chanel's on the TV to see Sky news.

UPDATE - have worked that one out - and horrified to see that the English are probably about to declare a state of emergency - last time the London Underground services were suspended Hitler was dropping things which went bang from the skies, Back in the days of yore , I used to have to walk to school across the fields as the roads were blocked by snow.

Nice little e mail this morning from a Mr. Wood who had been Googling the laird o Cockpen and came up with this Blog - so he has his fathers "Founder Jewel" and wants to return it to the Chapter , very nice of him.
Been busy this morning , and surprisingly , so have the road men in the Tramwork's - takes more than a flurry of snow to upset these boys !!!! The photos are as was promised - just looks like Edinburgh on a sunny day.
Work to do now.

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