Thursday, 30 April 2009
Farewell to Ailsa - friend of the Loch Ness monster

Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Not a nice treat at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
However, last night I had a superb session in the chair at RA 500 Laird O Cockpen with an attendance of 57 which included a good deputation from Provincial led by Alex Moonie Provincial Grand Superintendent and his Depute, Andy McKeen. Meeting went well, with a good report, and was followed by lovely buffet prepared by Mrs. B. well appreciated, with little waste at the end of the evening.
Next bash at the Lodge will be Friday night when we ( Big Ian and Dougie) are running a social with a 60's tribute band and a 60's disco.
The swine flu is causing a bit concern, and it looks as though RGB will be screened as he enters Hong Kong on Saturday on his stopover, en route to the land of Oz to see Robbie and Caitlan, leaving Pa and Sir Christopher holding the fort.
Watching the news tonight about the demonstrators in London, who were arrested four years ago following a so called impromptu demonstration and were wrongly arrested. They have been given compensation of £85,000 between them. BUT - they were all foreigners visiting London - so why were they getting involved, then having the dammed cheek to get lawyers involved, who will no doubt get their lions share of the claims. But it will not bode well for the Police Authority in view of the latest G20 carry on. Next demonstrations they should sit back and let the Civil Liberties people Police the event !!!!! That could be fun.
Next wine night at The Mercat Bar will be 26th May, when it will be French wines being sampled, along with good food, all for £15 , not a bad deal.
Might feel better tomorrow, especially if Arsenal can get a result against Manchester United tonight, rather than waiting for the second round.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
The things that go through your mind

5.30 a.m. and a shocking night seeing every hour of the clock, once again, free from the effects of "John Barleycorn".
Mind has been churning over on this Swine Flu and the impending Pandemic . I was not all that bothered initially , and with lots of folks coming back from Mexico area saying they had the flu it was supposed that everyone was being cautious. Now we have the two confirmed cases in Airdrie (a young couple who had been on honeymoon) and some twenty of their friends now showing signs, question is how long before friends of those friends begin to show signs ? In this modern day and age it is so easy to see how it Can spread very quickly ( now cases in China now)- when we had the bird flu it seemed to circle the globe a bit more slowly , but with air travel, humans are moving faster .
Yesterday, a quiet day at The Mercat, other than the arrival of the temporary coffee machine which looks like a space ship. Home on the bus, but managed my first swim in about four months, apart from a couple of dips while on holiday in Thailand. Out again at night for a rowdy meeting of the Scribes and Principals of the RA within Mid and East Lothian.
Off early today to the Mercat Bar, and out tonight for my last meeting of RA 500 Laird O Cockpen , before the the summer recess - but I do have the official Provincial visitation this evening. Plenty to keep my mind ticking over today.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Lunch , Royal Scottish Museum and coffee

Headed into town to collect the car which had been left overnight.

Five Star Dining at The Mercat Bar, Edinburgh
Headed in to town along with Mrs. B ; collected Sparky Mark ; Sir Christopher's Ma, Elizabeth, and our Friend Carol en route to the Mercat where we met up with Gordon , Sandra, Tubs, Linda, Tam Finlay, Grant , Yvonne and many others for the Wine Club dinner.
The Menu.
Terrine of Smoked Salmon & Prawn or Carrot and Corriander soup.
Tomato & Puff Pastry Tart.
Fillet of Beef with Madeira Jus and Potato Dauphinoise.
Peach Melba.
Selection of Cheese.
Each course was served with a different wine, however, we each had a sheet with lists of wines on it and had to guess from the description given by Tara, from Mathew Clarks which wine we were drinking, and then had to work out how much it cost per bottle - in the form of a "Call my Bluff" and at the end of the evening there were two joint winners, Grant @ Photogenix and Jo Jo - who each received a bottle of champagne.
The menu and meal was chosen by the newest of the Chefs, Andy , who was assisted on the evening by Jamie and young Chris in the kitchen . Everyone was very impressed.
Photos to be added later.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
A Bit of a shambles

Sparky and I made it to Easter Road last night where we met up with Grant, Alex, Andy Alan Bert and Ian from RA 500, along with members of Esk 42 led by their worthy commander in chief, First Principal John Wright.
Meeting took place and at the finish Alan Black was made an honorary member of the Chapter , a fine honour to bestowed on anyone, and in recognition of his assistance to that Chapter.
Bit of a muddle so we were not able to get the photos as originally planned, and with an early rise, long day ahead i left early.
Saturday , awake at 3 a.m. - once again a very restless night and having had only orange and soda to drink in the past two days, there, perhaps is the problem !!
Into town on the motorbike, lovely morning - then it was non stop right through till 2,30 p.,m. when I left , just a constant stream of customers, from all airts and pairts, Italy, England, Ireland and Wales, so even with four in the kitchen at one stage of the day it was still hectic. BUT , they were also preparing for the special dinner tonight , which i am looking forward to having had an advance peek at the menu.
BUT THE REAL SHAMBLES was outside where the tram works people have now closed off Grosvenor Crescent which was a diversion, now everything is trying to get through from Haymarket in a single file !! total nonsense, Monday morning will be real fun, and with three busy rugby weekends next month - chaos.
Our illustrious workers were wandering aimlessly up and down the street and certainly not a thing was done on our section which has now been open since early December 2008. They have even cancelled the link from here to Granton - now on hold due to the credit crunch. They are likely to have a man on Mars before they finish this job. Spotted the latest "recruit" to the Tramworks team , this young lad was kitted out like one of the workers and was being shown the working, had the the same habits, stood with hands behind his back peering into the holes. Not sure why he was there but probably one of the usual PR jobs. Just happened that Ian, one of our daily clients was sitting in the bus shelter with his cup f coffee when I took the photo - he is a professional pianist who plays most nights at the Peebles Hydro hotel.
Headed home, for a wee rest , and have found a superb booklet "The Bridges of The Edinburgh and Roslin Railway" by Andrew S. Stewart, who was one of my former bosses and a friends. He must have popped it through the door this morning.
Friday, 24 April 2009
Edinburgh's New Town

Had a busy day today , plans all thrown into chaos by RGB Jnr, as we had to head to Bookers Cash and Carry fist thing to stock up The Mercat Bar. The worthy Manager, Michael, was on site and wide awake, so we had a bit blether to him before we left.
Into the Mewrcat, forgot to drop off everything, so I had to go back later on, down to see Eduardo our Pate expert, then out to Penicuik again via the Bush where I discovered that my earlier tirades during the week had certainly ruffled a few feathers.
Just getting set for a run to Bonnyrigg when I was called by Shzad and had to go into Grosvenor Crescent to see him, so to avoid traffic I took the motorbike, and ended up playing chicken with a whit van man who seemed to think that driving down the white line was the correct method.
Had a walk round Grosvenor VCrescewnt and di not really appreciate how beautiful some of these properties are. The one I was at was lovely , and I ended up on the roof where I took this picture of the Edinburgh Castle. Out in the rear garden , quiet, tranqil, sound of birds, and the neighbour had this lovely white tree out in bloom - no idea what it was.
Leaving in a couple of minutes for Lodge Trafalgar, Easter Road, for a meeting of the Rifle Chapter, and Alan Black getting honoroury membership. No doubt news and a photo later.
Perth - Gateway to the Highlands

Busy morning at The Mercat Bar, run off our feet especially during lunch time - Even had a French trio in who had two dinners each.
Headed home sharp, changed and then northwards to the the Fair City of Perth, sitting on the River Tay, where I had a meeting of the O S M there.
Arrived early and managed to get this picture of the River tay , and the bridges. this is where the old Port was and it is not so many years ago that ships of any size stopped going there. The town is nice, not so busy as the big cities, but with a pedestrianised centre.
Stopped off at the Bothy Restaurant , next to the theatre, which had a show on later , and managed to get a table, but had to be out by 6.30 p.m. as there was a full hiuse due to the show.
the place was set out very nice, mainly on one level but with a special private dining room downstairs which was beatiful. I think the place is tied iin Mathew Gloa's the maker of The Famous Grouse Whiskey. Unfortunately , I was not totally impressed with my meal, just a couple of wee things, but it was served very quickly and efficiently by a very nice young lady in a mini kilt - however, the barman in the brown and white kilt looked like a sack of tatties, with black shoes and socks round his ankles, not, in my opoinion the way a kilt should be worn or look like.
Off to the lodge bulding in time to meet mt friend kenny from Pitlochry and his mate Andy. The Degree was very good, four candidates, and a good attendance with Provincial and the Grand Visitor being present. Manged to stay for a bite aftrerwards, again an excellent meal.
Home at a steady toot down the M9 and over the Forth Road Bridge, stopping off via the Bush to check on our youthful tenants.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
A day in the fresh air & the budget

Tuesday night at Lodge 720 Dalhousie, Bonnyrigg

A nice wee "special" today about the nights meeting at Lodge 720 Dalhousie, Bonnyrigg.
This being the last meeting of the season before the break, there was a good crowd to start with, however as Kenny (Bomber) Harris, I.P.M. of No 10 Dalkeith Kilwinning was getting Honorary membership the numbers increased by an extra twenty five as his Deputation arrived, which then had the Lodge up to near capacity. He was duly presented, etc., by Alex McBeth our R.W.M..
With one candidate to go through a Degree the office bearers carried out their duties in an impeccable manner apart from myself, who took "stage fright" on the floor - no idea why this always happens at 720, it is the only place which seems to trouble me. just a bit disappointing when all the others were spot on.
After the meeting , one of the visitors, James M Hindman, District Deputy Instructor 53, of the Grand Lodge of Michigan, and Past Master of The Birmingham Lodge No 44, Bloomfield Hills, MI, USA, presented a clock and some masonic pins to Alex McBeth, who in turn gave him a tie and some gifts from No. 720.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Long night and longer day
Never mind, it was quite a nice morning when I left at 6.30 a.m. upon the trusty steed of steel ( BMW 750) heading for the town , at least I was not having to pay parking fees, and found the solo motorcycle bay free from unloading lorries.
I had the doors of The Mercat Bar open for business at 8.20 a.m. even although we were not expecting anyone this early , but as usual a couple popped in when they saw that the door were open.
Had a busy morning and lunch time, even managed to fall UP the stairs, watched all the crockery bouncing , but not a break or chip - just me , shaken but not stirred.
My friendly tram workers are having fun , now digging up more of the stuff they have just filled in during the past couple of weeks. Then they even moved the gas pipe which has been lying outside for the last three weeks, but had to borrow a bogie from the Utilities blokes - "Fred Carno's Army" was better than this lot.
Next - our cheerful dray men from Bellhaven Brewery arrived, but could not get parked as someone with an invalid badge was parked in the loading bay area - an even nicer (NOT) parking attendant arrived and threatened to book the lorry so they had to leave without doing the drop, but they eventually returned and did the business. (so to speak).
Just getting ever so pe++d off with the Chief Executives Office of the Edinburgh City Council, ( who appear to be as bad as the Children and Families Department), if they cannot respond to my letters of complaint, how do they respond to contacts by other members of the public !! So , tomorrow, all being well - yet another epistle will be winging its way towards Waverly Court, Market Street.
Anyway , off to 720 tonight with Sparky Mark.
Monday, 20 April 2009
On the hop this morning

Another chilly morning followed by a bright sunny day, something around 17C in the afternoon , although at one stage the thermometer in the car was showing 22.5 C , I know not why.
Had an early rush at The Mercat Bar with just me and Andy the Chef on site - but never mind they were well fed.
Once again there were visitors to the city from all points, with this nice group of ladies from the Frankfurt area of Germany who had been in a couple of days ago. Vanessa ; Heike; Susi; and Annika In the interim they have done the usual Edinburgh sights, including the royal Botanical Gardens, which they said weere great - even hugged a tree for me !! and talked to a few plants. They had also managed a bus trip from Glasgow, up to Balloch to see Loch Lomond, over to Stirling and then back - but had not been all that impressed I think as it was all a bit rushed. Never the less they had enjoyed their holiday.
We also had a Danish gentleman from Copenhagen who was megga happy with the sirloin steak which he ate very very rare, obviously possible as the meat was in good condition.
Another couple, shattered, fresh off the plane from Ottowa, vai London and staying at the Grosvenor Hilton - doing their best to stay away and even managed to get a late breakfast so that they could sample the black pudding.
With the sun shining so much the tables on the balcony were always filled, but the tramworks are a bit of an eyesore, only consolation today was that the men were either away skiving or working elsewhere. The section in Manor Place had more than its share of "gaffers" today - following yesterdays revelations.
Pleased to get home, then back out into the garden for a bit more weeding - the fresh air is just what I needed, but I think the weather is to change again tomorrow.
Had a nice e mail from Lucy in Nottingham to let me know that she and her hen party ( see Sunday's photos) had made it back home in one piece, very tired, but had thoroughly enjoyed their weekend in Edinburgh
Tomorrow, once again in the Mercat, then at night it is back to Masonic business as usual, off to the blues at Lodge 720 Dalhousie Bonnyrigg, where I have some floor work to do - head now buzzing !!
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Sunday part 2

Sunday - part 1 - the ladies and "Hello Magazine"

Saturday, 18 April 2009
Old friends and new -mixed couple of days

Thursday, 16 April 2009
Lynda Evans - Anthea Turner - memories and what else
Had some really nice visitors in today, from Ireland, France and the USA (New York), along with our regulars so I quite enjoyed myself.
Home and despite the cold did a bit more weeding, before hitting the outstanding paperwork. The Johnston's of Egham called to say that after a busy day Mrs. J. had managed to get organised to join us in Dublin in July, she even has better tickets than mine for Riverdance, but will not swop - what a friend.
Currently watching Hell's Kitchen on the TV with the celebs getting a roasting in the kitchen, BUT more interestingly for me, Anthea turner is a Prices Trust ambassador, and years ago when she did the Breakfast Show on GMTV we met her daily for a week when we were on holiday in Torremolinos, Spain. She was the host of the show and had Derrik Evans, Mr Motivator on the same show every day. She is very nice, but got a lot of hassle from some yobs who were in her hotel. Even better, Lynda Evans, ex - Dynasty, is also on the show tonight - I used to think she was amazing - and she was, BUT - she came to Edinburgh for a Royal Command performance to the Queen at The Edinburgh Playhouse Theatre, during the Commonwealth Games ( way back - I cannot remember the year). So, there I was as a search team leader doing my thing in the theatre which obviously meant that we had access to EVERYWHERE - so as team leader I popped into all the dressing rooms and met all the stars, including Lynda Evans, who was beautifully and a real gentle lady, Shirly Bassie - gorgeous, with legs all the way up to her bum, fabulous, with a great sense of humour, Bob Monkhouse, the Rolly Polly's; Frank Carson, and lots more.
Anyway still watching Hell's kitchen, and what a lot of pretentious tw++s ( not twitts - or eejits)there are in the restaurant as guests, including the Compere who is trying to do a Davina McColl, I would rather see the food going to real people.
Now back to real life people, a wee warning lesson about a friend who has just been on a family holiday holiday to the USA. he had his flights, but booked accommodation on the Internet - Local company got him a villa in Orlando, so he paid them ( about £800). right - he later gets a message to say that villa is not available but he has been given alternative accommodation at the same price.
Arrives in the USA and is sent to the accommodation which is out of this world, a penthouse suite, just super - signs the usual paperwork which he presumed to cover any extra expenditure he might have - seemed normal. His own paperwork from the UK appeared to be in order as the accommodation folks accepted him.
However - after a brilliant holiday, got home, no problems, then five weeks later he receives a Visa bill with an extra £2800 on, from his accommodation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! starts making enquiries and is getting nowhere fast, seems that there was a middle company involved, who got the money from the UK firm, then were supposed to ;pass it on to the accommodation folks - but now they have disappeared, no longer trading, and our friend is apparently left with with an unpaid bill - so MBNA have to sort it out.
Up early, big group due in from Dublin on the early Ryan Air flight, then out at night to Gorebridge Lodge in Coucil, and back to Lasswade Rugby Club for ben kelly's retiral doo.
Another foggy day in the City

Harry actually originaes from Aberdeen and is over on a nine week holiday - taking in lots of masonic visits when he can.
Headed home in very thich fog - on the A720 Edinburgh City By Pass the overhead gantry boards were warning of thich fog - stating the obvious. Then on the A702 I ended up following someone in one of these tiny little Honda vans, with either a six volt system , or carbide headlights, ( I do remeber the old carbide lamps the miners had, also the police, and yes, there were cars with carbide headlights) who was crawling along causing havoc.
Great excitement today - yawn, as I believe that the UK Government ( Cabinet) is going to meet in Glasgow today , the first time in ninety years - wonder what the weegies will say about that.
Thick fog again this morning , but I had a lift in from RGB, however, the workmen are outside at the tramworks doing "something", probably too embarrassed to work when weather is clear in case their relatives and friends see them working. I did ask the forman if they would be finished by the summer !! but he cleared off not amused - but then again , neither am I.
Need to get on with some work.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Aunty; Aunty, Aunty Claire
Apart from that , it has been raw, chilly cold today, 5.5 C , with a thick sea fog, not good, should have been a duvet day.
Up with the larks, or whatever as I could not sleep found the place in darkness as the lights would not work. Eventually fixed a fuse wire and lo and behold - no bangs but there was light.
Having missed the "Riverdance" show when it was in Edinburgh in March, our beloved son manged to get some for us in July, in Dublin, so that will be something nice to look forward to.
Started crunching numbers at 6.30 a.m., and carried on till I went off to see my dentist, Sharon, for a scape and polish. Thank goodness, as I hate dentists at the best of times and have even passed out in the chair, with fright, and ended up on the floor.
Back to the computer and paper - so much for a paperless society, it is just duplicating everything.
Had a run into town to see the new birthday girl, Carol, who is needing to dry out after a very long birthday party !!, well done. Just a wee break before returning to the paper - but I am getting there with the annual accounts.
Heading off to Currie this evening to the Colinton and Currie Cryptic Council, where the usual squad from Provincial will be there.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Leith and Ocean Terminal

Monday, 13 April 2009
Easter Monday - tourists on board
Easter Monday and the town was quiet, plenty of tourists around, and from what I heard Edinburgh Zoo was jam packed with crowds there to see the new monkey house. Eventually, our customers arrived, from France, India, Ireland, England, and locally. The French group had flown in from Marseille by Ryan Air, hired a camper van and had been to Perth, Fort William, Oban, etc., and were on their way back to the airport. The Indian lads were heading for Glenkinchie Distillery at Pencaitland, ( a lovely single malt whiskey - and also the makers of Haig,s Dimple blended whisky) before driving south to London - but seemed to think they could fit in a quick run to Pitlochry to see the salmon ladder, and to Pittenweem, Fife, just a bit impossible.
One couple were in for breakfast before their twelve mile walk round Arthur's Seat, down to Leith and back up into the City. As it was the lady's birthday , she was coming back for dinner, with 10% discount, of course.
NCP are playing silly works again, their system is rubbish so we are having to produce our evidence to say that we have a parking permit - I wish they could get simple things right.
Headed home early, roads were busy with the weekend holidaymakers heading north, worse than Sunday drivers - sun still shining so a few more weeds bit the dust.
Had a call from The Johnston's of Egham, who have had a peaceful weekend due to the fact that the "Little Roses" with parents of course are in Antwerp for a couple of weeks. To, Mrs. J. just to confirm that your sender in Egham made the mistake, asked for a Friday delivery.
Mrs. B's big treat for Easter was to be driven round Penicuik's new roundabout !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few years ago we spent an Easter with Wayne and Mary Kief in Westchester , P.A., USA, and on Easter Day they had a wonderful Easter egg treasure hunt the boys had a great day- all the houses and gardens were beautifully decorated, it was marvellous. We then headed up to New York where the weather changed and we had blizzards, folks were stranded outside the city in deep drifts, and when we climbed the Statue of Liberty I could not see a thing due to the snow - old memories, including the fact that having climbed all the way to the top and back down again, I could hardly walk when I reached the bottom - only consolation was that had the place been busy I would have been climbing the spiral staircase cheek to cheek with a stranger!!!!!!!
Only consolation was that Macy's store was fantastically beautiful with the entire store decked out in massive floral displays - now I only have a field of daffodils to look at.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Somewhere under the rainbow

had to waken the bold Sparky so that we could get away to the Cash and Carry, what was worse was that his sister was up at his house looking for him as he was due to be dog sitting.
Not sure waht was going on at Costco's, gates were closed so we ended up at Bookers, Slateford, and then into the bar. Had a problem getting parked due to all the church goers at the cathedral and the church around the corner. So I had a shouting match with a traffic warden , "L" driver on his scooter who was weanting me to carry all the stuff from the car about a quarter mile - not bloody likely.

It began to cloud over a bit, so after dinner I got out the steed of steel went for petrol, and stopped to get a photo of Penicuik's first round about, and the new Lidl store being built - we will need to wait and see how many shops close due to it's appearance.
A fine and varied Easter saturday