Tuesday 20 July 2010

A Jolly rant to let off steam.

Tuesday a.m. - had a day of rest yesterday and even took to burrowing below the duvet for a few hours, must have needed it. But in the meantime, the world as we know and love goes on regardless.

BBC news this morning tells us that the school holidays have just started in England, was there an announcement a couple of weeks ago that they were starting elsewhere in the British Isles!! Main reason for the item being the increase in the numbers of people / young people who are putting themselves at risk by "Tombstoning", jumping into areas of water and injuring themselves on hidden rocks, etc.- so be well warned, and considering that a 72 yeasr old was badly hurt last week, all need to take heed.

RyanAir have sadly just announced a 24% drop in profits - I wonder why, what is wrong with charging the gullible travelling public £5 to check in online, then £20 a Kg for baggage over the 15KG limit, £20 per bag, and everything you eat and drink on board - not that that had anything to do with the drop in numbers - albeit the ash clouds from the Icelandic volcano did ground them for longer than anyone else.

So, we are probably going to end up with more and more power cuts in the future as our power supplies dwindle and we become more dependent on imported supplies. So much for the wimps, wets, greens and do gooders, we now have our countryside dotted with hundreds of wind generators which are probably more benefit to the local bird population as roosting poles. As our coal, oil and nuclear power stations go offline we will be plunged back into darkness - back under the duvet again, unless we can get some tablets to help us sleep through the winder months in a hibernating state - but for us North of the border the weather is so bad that we do not know what is winter and what is summer.

As our motor manufacturers strive to develop efficient electric cars, what will be the point, no electricity to charge the batteries. With dwindling oil supplies, no way we will be able to run our cars, problem of congestion on the roads and pollution solved overnight - the Indian and Chinese shoe manufacturers will have a ball.

We are now told that the weather has been so bad, droughts down south so the wheat crop has failed which means that the price of flour / and bread will jump once more - no more jammie pieces I am afraid. But - what about the poor potato, the tatties will have suffered the same fate, so the price of chips will have to go up yet again ( Annual event - sign says " We are now having to use new potatoes, hence the increase in price").
Only people able to afford these luxuries will be the professional golfers and footballers on their obscene wages.

Now, The Great British Empire, where once we led the way in developing the World, here we are sending our troops out to help in areas like Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. We give aid and assistance in kind and cash and in turn the locals do their best to rob and murder our people along with their own. Our lads return in body bags to be scorned by our "new populace" who most certainly would never sign up for National Service here, but happily sit behind closed doors plotting to cause mayhem on our streets. While they plot behind closed doors our Government does the same in Downing Street and Parliament to the same effect, next for the chop will be our Army Regiments with the famous Black Watch now in the spotlight.

The French have banned the wearing of the burkha in France, yet our MP, Ms Catherine Spelman in a vote catching speech has vowed to oppose the banning of it here in the UK. We have now several reported incidents of Muslim bus drivers and taxi drivers refusing to carry blind passengers if they insist on taking their guide dogs with them - just what is happening to this once proud nation.

The government claim that the jobless numbers are dropping, but that is because we have more and more in part time employment, job sharing, etc,. Totally oblivious to these facts the Unite Union is still hell bent on shutting down British Airways and is now also targeting BAA , close the airports and we solve the problem of pollution by aircraft - BUT , BUT , do these folks not realise that there are now One Million Moldavians bury packing their suitcases and heading this direction looking for work - "Brothers ,Sisters and Comrades of UNITE, put down your banners, get your fingers out your B---, pick up your pens and papers and get on with life while you can.
I previously thought that Moldova was where Dick Van Dyke flew into with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang a few years ago.

While on this "rant" I may as well comment on the increasing numbers of "cold calls" being received by telephone, last night it sounded like a call centre in South Africa trying to sell financial services ! Night before, at tea time, it was fitted kitchens and extensions again, and from the amount of continuing interest in the National Crime Survey Group, they are relentlessly pursuing the public. It is good to see that so many people are now checking out these companies, but bear a thought for the elderly and those who do not have the internet or the "suspicion" to do the checking, phone the Police or seek help.
My tea time callers have recently been getting an "earful" when in reality we should be listening carefully, taking notes and reporting them to the so called "Watchdog agencies".

Educational Opportunities for Disadvantaged - sorry, for those in HM Prisons in the UK - yes, take the opportunity whilst relaxing in one of our comfy cells, between episodes of Corrie and Eastenders to stretch the grey matter a little. Benefits , a cash incentive, qualifications, and the opportunity for an early release and then to be able to go commit more crime. But do not worry about the Victime, there are moves afoot to offer greater Victim Support, the new Minister has just decided to reinvent the wheel after two months in post !!
Our prisoners have the chance to get one to one tuition whilst our teachers struggle to cope with growing numbers in the classrooms.

Now that I have "vented my spleen" I had better get sorted and do some work !!!

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