Friday 16 July 2010

Pitch, put and fingers crossed at St Andrews

Mother nature, in the shape of a "stiff breeze" is causing havoc at St Andrews today - no mercy for the finely tuned athletes of the golf world.
Thursday was a wonderful day, apart from the rain , with some real high scoring due to the almost still conditions at times, but today is different and many will be heading back to their hotels to pack their suitcases, head home and look for the next competition.
John Daly was looking splendid in his psychedelic trews, matching those of his wife who was there to head to the markers hut on the 18th with him , might be fun if she was to design trews for all the players to wear on the final round - certainly brighten up the place.
Fun and games for the spectators this morning with one of the main routes into St Andrews blocked by a road traffic accident at peak time.

We had a nice family in the Bar today from Illinois, USA and the two gentlemen are heading up for the final two days play, having received tickets as part of their x-mas present. The three ladies were being let loose on the City for the two days !!

The Mercat Bar has certainly been busy these past two days giving me little or no time to myself !! and when I made it home , it was a wee rest and then on with some more wee jobs. BUT - Saturday, I will hopefully see some of the golf at some stage, but it is to be a trip to the big City, pop ion to see the big Pole Dancer at The Standing Order, and later on we plan to have "Afternoon tea" at the Balmoral Hotel, - no, we have not won the lottery - just using up one of our x-mas gifts - so there might even be a report on that event.
Whilst we sit wrapped up in our blankets, listening to the wind whistling through the rafters, young Grant@photogenix and his good lady are toasting themselves in sweltering 101 degrees in Ibiza - I am sure they would be better off here with us, and having said that - Michael from Bookers was looking well tanned after a week of touring Scotland last week and seemed to have found the sun everywhere he went.

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