Monday 2 January 2012

Mission Impossible nearly the death of me

Home now and recuperating from a trip to the cinema - I use that word as I seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack during the movie - It was brilliant, the latest "Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol" starring Tom Cruise, probably one of the most exciting I have seen for a long time. It was hard to believe that Tom Cruise did all his own stunts, how he could sit up on top of the hotel , the highest building in the world , I do not know - my toes were curling in my shoes. It was a good job I did not go to the big screen - IMAX, the added excitement might have finished me off.
What I could not believe was the number of very young children in the Cinema, some with their parents, and others on their own - some just could not sit still and I must remember not to go back there during school holidays !!!

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