Thursday 5 July 2012

Sun glasses and life belts, and matchsticks- order of the day.

Still trying to recover from a bit of a long day - up at 1.50 a.m. and into the chair once again, but it was up at 3.40 again, and eventually out into a wet and foggy morning at 4.40-  in the "Smart" car and away to Glasgow.  It was reminding me of those postcards all coloured grey with the caption "Edinburgh in the Fog" !!!    But things did clear up, eventually,  by then I was down the M74 at Moffat.  For once I was lucky, the sun shone on the M74 / M6 and there were no problems, unlike the road out of Dumfries closed all day due to a lorry fire and likewise the M6 Toll road at Birmingham ( a smoker causing an upset on a bus)-  resulting in the  M6 being turned, yet again to a giant car park.
Risley, sods law, ended up at the back of the queue so I had to take time for a cuppa and a bit of a break before getting back on the road North  again -  I just cannot get my head round these folks who hug the centre lane, and when their mobiles ring they just slow down and sit there -  arrgh!!!

BUT the much awaited opening of the heavens took place as I approached Johnstonbridge - the M6  turned into a veritable river - a nightmare for everyone with no visibility, and one man I saw going too fast just aquaplaned off the road and up the banking.    Not sure what the forecast is for the T in the Park over the next few days, but I saw queues of young folk waiting for buses at Glasgow - and not very many dressed for wet weather.
Must say that the wee Smart car did very well, no problems - but after 570 miles and twelve hours I was delighted to head to bed for a snooze.

Yesterday I had a welcome surprise visit at the Dolphin Inn by one of the "Widow Sons", masonic motor cycle lads - not on his Harley this time - but perhaps next time he may bring his fund raising friends and waken the place up a bit. 

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