Tuesday 17 July 2012

Through the 100K while spaced out - not bad

which means that while I rather under the influence of a cocktail of strong painkillers that my stats counter showed that my Blog had been visited over One Hundred Thousand times since I started it.
Physical and mental conditions over the past few days have meant that with little or no power of concentration it was taking me hours to string a few words together.

Different now though,  just need to get up and moving, wee bit at a time and I will be fine in no time at all.

Big armed robbery in Penicuik with the local bakery being held up at knife point,  however, the bakers told the would be robbers that there was no dough to be had so they left without a crust.

I see that the local Community Councils are being asked to contribute  £500 each towards the costs of new hand held radar guns  !!   that would be OK if there were teams being trained up to use them in the respective areas -  but that does not seem to be the aim or intention.    I would quite happily  sit in my front garden and zap the boy racers who hurtle up and down the  main road,   but in the past similar schemes have ended up with letters being sent out saying that hey drivers had been observed breaking the limits -  and of course there were the usual concerns about the "operators" being targeted by offenders.

Weather has been lovely,  just enough time for us to start thinking about the possibility of an "Indian Summer", before the forecasters start spread doom and gloom once again.     I see that in Holland there are moves afoot to penalise forecasters who get it wrong, would appear that tourist areas are being affected with loss of revenue by the scare mongering.

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