Wednesday 2 September 2009

A long long trip

Nice early rise today, but surprisingly, after everything I say - i woke during the night but dozed off and needed the alarm for 4.20 a.m. Off on the road, and the very first motor to pass me was a "white van man" - going like the clappers - as usual.
Through to Glasgow to see Mr Dunk - crabbit old fart - looking forward to his bottle of port tonight.
Southwards without incident , but past the M56 and the M6 was very busy - including all the fruitcakes on four wheels.
into Central Birmingham, made a mistake and took the wrong exit but it was only a case of up and over.
Arrived at the office but could hear alltrhe fire engines etc, nearby, so when I left I was stuck in a jam because a certain "black" gentleman had sort of over run the roundabout and ended up in a garden which wa going to need a good tow truck to get him out.
Headed north and into Runcorn to see Jill and Lorraine, and despite 96 hrs notice , the ladies were still not organised !!! so what's new?
Weather was not brilliuant heading home, and there was a spectacular three care crash near en route, otherwise a good run. Passed two sort of high tech Metropolitan Police vans, plus two army type motors near Carlisle - odd.
At abington was passed by an Audi, doing about 110 mph, not wasting time - and then I tagged onto a motor cycle who sat at a steady 85/90 all the way into Glasgow. ?????? What is the speed limit.
After my stop at Glasgow I decided to go across country, Newmains, Carluke, Carnwarth, and West Linton to miss the chaos at Hillend on the A 702, and made it home by 5.15 p.m. 720 miles since leaving. bit knackered, but nothing a drop of red wine cannot cure.
call from William and Sandra in Spain, sunburnt and happy.