Friday 9 October 2009

News on - Amy and also Baby Finlay

I had to promise that wee Amy would get her birthday picture in the blog - here she is with RGB who is attempting to persude her to part with her Teddy , as his is a bit worn out !! ( sorry about the quality, it was taken on a phone and has doubtless gone round the world to get here).
RGB had to be sedated when he got home, the noise from the "waens" was just a bit much - far quieter in the Mercat

Have just spoken with Tam for an update on baby Finlay, poor child has not yet been named, so I offered up a few suggestions. At this rate we will just have to sent our x-mas cards ( provided the Postal strike is not on ) to Tam , Kathryn and ( It ; baby ; wee one ; etc. ).

I am assured that all that is missing from the bedroom is the "baby". And , mother and child are doing fine.

He says there are lots of the OOOOh element photos on Kathry's facebook, but for me that is a world away.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Hi Stuart,
The baby formerly known as "Bump" is now Eilidh Elizabeth Finlay.

Hopefully her and her Mum can get home ASAP.

