Friday 4 June 2010

Back on line again - Junior bikers to the fore

Few comments as to the fact there had been no blog for a few days - just a bit "peed off" and not in a literary mood - anyway back again, not swallowed up by the continuing shaking of the world, earthquakes do not take time off.

I see B P are now struggling a bit, no sign of a resolution to stop the leaking oil pipe and as more oil floods out causing ecological devastation in the Gulf Sates the Company shares are tumbling - I do not blame the President for not being amused.
Monday past, we ended up with Amy, Arron, Mum and Aunty Jo up for a we BBQ instead of a picnic, however Juniors took a fancy to the motorbike, but once kitted out with their helmets they took fright when the engine was running - BUT they did enjoy their visit and were sound asleep within minutes of leaving here for home.

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