Saturday 5 June 2010

Sunhine and mega mega showers

Having sat up and watched the dawn breaking while listening to the STV show, Nightshift, I headed out into the garden at 6.30 a.m. Not there long before I heard the roaring of burners and there in the playing field opposite were two balloons being prepared for an early morning flight. Took myself over with my cuppa in a mug and watched the preparations and eventual take off. the big balloon was three times the size of the small one, but when they took off the small one seemed to catch the wind first and then headed off while the big one seemed to hang about in the sky for some time before it eventually caught a current.

As the day warmed up I remained at home in the garden while Mrs. B. headed off to meet Go Jo and friends to see "Sex in The City 2"
I worked away, but the sun never really broke through as there was always some degree of cloud cover, and by 6 p.m. I had had enough and headed in leaving my neighbours seated around their respective BBQ's. BUT ten minutes later the heavens opened as we were drenched by a tremendous thunderstorm. I have seriously never seen so much water falling here before, and the road outside turned into a running river while the entire back garden disappeared under water - you can guarantee 100% that there would have been bad flooding in John Street with all the water steaming down onto the level - terrible. However, every cloud has a silver lining, I do not have to water in the new bedding plants tonight and can watch the final of Britain's got Talent, in peace, especially as there is no one else in !!
BUT it is an early rise to open up the Mercat Bar for breakfast, and at 2 p.m. I am being allowed to go to the Jazz luncheon, which should be fun and is already a full house.

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