Saturday 27 November 2010

Saturday night rant - not helped by the snow

Saturday night again, should have been at the R A Grand Sperintendant's Dinner at Bonnyrigg, but health wise, with a lot before me it was a night at home after a long day, -- so what's happening with the world? SNOW, tons of it falling all over the place and up till this morning it was everywhere but Penicuik, however at 6.30 a.m,. only an inch or so on top of the car, which I duly cleared off while the car was warming up (no ice though) and then headed off to Edinburgh. Even that early there were the usual numpties on the road, crawling along, and also those who refuse point blank to clear the snow off the car and suit there like silly works at traffic lights with all the snow sliding off the roof and blinding their windscreens. As the day progressed there they were passing by, cars out for the first time this week and the badge of snow on the roof, as much as to say, look at me - I am brave to venture out in this white stuff ( rhymes with aerosols) - should either stay at home or take the bus.

Edinburgh Trams - seems that with all the works having ground to a halt, the lawyers and so called consultants are making a fortune with their debate, and the headhunters getting £30,000 to find someone to front the project. There is no truth in the rumour that there is a tram up for sale on E bay.

Blood pressure going up, watching Wagner on X factor !!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if all these anarchists who are destroying the show by making their 10p phone calls would pay £40 to go to see him live ? Show was reasonable tonight and from her performances, young Cher could do well.

Blood pressure through the roof now - not far short of a heart attack - not the TV, but a crowd of imbecilic juveniles who threw snowballs at the front windows - and Mr Angry, not taking it went after them and had a bawling match as I followed then / was confronted, etc around the neighbouring streets _ I will not be surprised if the Police do not arrive at the door to see me as I was a walking Breach of the Peace !!! - Usual story, the Police are never there when you want them - so the odds are that I will be the one that gets nailed. I really was surprised how confrontational they were but being in a big group they were happy enough to bait an old fat man !!! BUT - BUT I did eventually get them to stop and once I got my breath back and calmed down - they actually stood and listened to me and then all but one apologised for their actions. One perceptive lad suggested that I might have done likewise when I was the same age - in all probability I was maybe worse ! but in those days I lived next to the Police Station at Currie and the Polis knew whose backside to kick, and if they did not, then my Mother gave me a serious whacking with a wooden hairbrush when she found out.
Reminds me of posters we used to distribute all over the place when I was in Crime Prevention, aimed at parents "DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE TONIGHT ?" Not many do, and in this day and age how many care ? The days of Social responsibility are long gone !! - no twitching curtains, no nosey neighbours, no calls to the Police, and this is a so called Neighbourhood Watch area. (and that is according to the Police). Looks like Penicuik High School need a visit to do a bit behavioural modification.

Back to the TV, "I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of there", firstly I think it is time that Ant and Dec had a go at all of these trials - there should be a campaign by the public, and we could even have an "Ant and Dec Special" to put them through there paces.
We have a blond bimbo model (Kayla) from the USA sitting here who has not done a trial, but is scared to do a trial - so why the hell is she there other than to get a fat fee - get them out and give their fee to charity - there are braver little kids suffering from serious illnesses out there who put these folk to shame. Better not forget Gillian McKie, who hopefully will never benefit financially from her deplorable attempt to make money - tells lies Dr of what??), cheats, drama queen - is this a public role model - sorry but there is no way now she gets to check out my "poo".
I believe this whole thing is shot on a film set, with non venomous beasties, plastic reptiles, little likelihood of any harm to the "contestants" - so it is all in the mind, (but not mine I am afraid). Yet another money making venture for the TV company - because we are obviously paying for the show with phone calls - ( Mrs B could do this standing on her head - or so she says) Go Stacy, Go. Cheryl got £95,000 of our money - for what ?????????

Bit disappointed during the week, we have a wee Romanian "Big Issue" seller who has a pitch near the pub, he has been coming in the Bar for weeks, using the loo and having a wash, and I have been giving him coffee's, rolls, etc. He was even asking for work !! so what does he do ? arrives one day, parks himself at the bar drinking "nips, on his mobile phone, etc, then turns up in the evening and was caught with a bottle of his own booze "topping up" - exit stage right one Eastern European ( Euro visitor) - all things being equal it is probably his relatives sitting on their idle buts begging along Princes Street and the Bridges.
I think I am beginning to agree with the Daily Express campaign to get us out of Europe, sack all these bureaucrats sitting in Brussels making up laws to justify their existence, no pensions, no pay offs, stop the gravy train right here -

And today I spotted a story about a number of Polish criminals being arrested in a joint exercise by Irish and Scottish Police and were extradited on a military flight back to Poland to face trial - we now need a serious number of similar fights in the same direction - namely - out of the UK, or am I O T T

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