Wednesday 25 July 2012

Been there , seen it all, got the "T"shirt,

Ominous words especially when the district nurse followed the statement by "drop them" -  however it was either that or risk being assaulted by the scrap metal thieves who would have mugged me and  made off with my staples !!   Anyway - all gone, wee bit nippy but a relief.
 Something bright appeared out of the normally grey sky today - the SUN- so it was nice to sit out and reap the benefits of a dose of vitamin C -  "au natural"  .  Talking of which, I see that the naked rambler popped out of prison for a quick flash, and got rearrested again-  bet his fellow prisoners are fed up with him - however he is not the only oddball (Freudian slip) as there was a chappie in London who ran out  naked and tried to get his hands on the Olympic torch - lucky he never got got his assets scorched.

I see that my little gang in Ward 24 have been dispersed to the four winds, hopefully not for causing grief with the staff in my absence.

Thoroughly enjoyed the start of the Olympics today with the ladies football - team GB and New Zealand,  certainly taking no prisoners these ladies, if the men play half as well they should do OK.
The girls were hard, fair, no arguing with the referee, and when forming the wall for the free kicks there was none of this standing with hands crossed protecting the "family heirlooms"  / "crown jewels" -  looks like the prima donnas are all playing in a different part of the competition.

AND of prima donnas,  I see that the contract bin men hired by Durham County are now refusing to collect sulu bins that are not out in the street in case they hurt their backs !!!  so little old ladies are being asked to do their dirty work for them -  lazy so and so's - and of course the other Bolshie so and so's at the Border Agency have called off their strike -  lets pull together folks for once.  There will be enough folks out there trying to knock us while we are doing our best, without us giving them an excuse for doing so.

1 comment:

Pacey_85 said...

Glad to hear your 'on the mend' and back home Stuart.
Jamie L