Thursday 22 November 2007

Day 3 India

Now morning of day 4, but I did write a blog last nigth which dissapeared when the time expired.

Currently experiencing even more tooting in my ears due to the bloddy cars outside.

Anyway, Wednesday we spent 14 hours on the road in a coach , so called luxury ( NOT) but I suppose it was by local standards, at one stage the driver stopped, got out a long stick and dipped the petrol tank then went and bought 5 ltrs of fuel for three pound so that we could carry on.

We went to a city north of Bangalore, called Mysore (bum - after the trip), about 80 to 90 miles , which took about 4 hours each way and that was by dual carriage way. However, , every so often o the dual carriageway they place barriers to form chichanes to slow you down, also speed bumps, so one minute you are belting along, next, the emengency brakes come on and you weave or bump past these obstructions.

Rules of the road ,
1. drive flat out, foot to the board,
2. keep hand on horn to let people know you want to pass, are passing, or just to annoy folks,
3. do not give a shit about anyone else
4. brake at last minute only and terrify everyone else.

If on a motorbike, carry at least one passenger, and rear one must be using a phone.

At one point we were passing a bike, an ox cart, and there was a car coming at us on the wrong side of the road with headlights on !! Quite a few near misses, and in one of the towns on the way, someone had lit a fire in the middle of the main junction and it caused chaos, just a local demonstration by the disgruntled natives.

Anyway we went to four palaces at Mysore, then for lunch in one of the colonial clubs, bit snobby, stopped twice at a super roadside cafe, which did lovely latte for 40 p a cup.

Everyone has been great, so last night we went back to the lodge for more drinks and a meal, everyone sat around and told jokes !! some badly, then we had a meal, so it was very late when we got home.
Got the first sts of photos put onto CD.

Ready now to go to airport and back to Bombay for next part of adventure.

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