Tuesday 27 November 2007

What's in an E mail?

Up very early again this morning and feeling really terrible. In ths first instance I am obviously still five hours ahead of time here, which will be OK for Thursday morning when I am up early and away down south. BUT , whole body in pain, somach, chest , head, ears, back - the lot . I suspect that it was the Indian meal I had LAST NIGHT at home which has given me a mild (or otherwise) dose of food poisoning. I manage to survive the week with little or no discomfort and was ill with food on plane and at home.

Sent a couple of E mails over to India yesterday, and found one on the box this morning - which I refuse to open. I do not recognise the name and it looks like one of those gobbledygook addresses which the Viagra spammers blitz the system with. So if there is someone out there with a very strange name, trying to get me, sorry - go find another E mail address.

Looks like it is back to bed again to try and recover.

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