Tuesday 13 November 2007

Snow, yes - it is.

Made it home safely last night, good flight with BMI which came in on time and as Graham was waiting we were home at the toot

We missed the snow which fell early evening but then turned to rain, but not before some poor soul shot off the A702 and ended up on his roof. William called to say that the hard frost experienced in London around the same time also turned to rain, and while we have had a nice day it was wet down south.

Managed to get into town to do some work, but had to stop early and go to Livingston with Ann to buy stuff for Graham. The lads I am working with are very good but I have to keep waving a big stick at them to get things done.

Have sourced a new baker for the Mercat so we all had a taste of some lovely fresh breads which are going on the menu.

The good news for once is that the Chinese whispers in Musselburgh were all wrong, the so called fatal accident involving a child and fire engine, turned out to be a Glaswegian visitor to Musselburgh - over for the races , now in hospital recovering, who walked out in front of a fire engine on an emergency call. It obviously must have been bad initially as the Police did carry out a full fatal accident scenario.

Still not back to normal yet so having a night in. Anyway I have no driver either as Sparky has disappeared !! on his days off.

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