Friday 9 March 2012

Military deaths, hostages and theft.

I just thought you might like to see the view from the back door of the Dolphin, looked lovely on Wednesday, sun shining on the freshly ploughed fields looking northwards to the spire of Inveresk Church away in the distance.

The recent death of our six soldiers at the hands of a Taliban bomber was a tragedy indeed, I join those who thank them for their dedication to duty and send my condolences to their families and colleagues.

I am a bit dismayed at the response by the Italian government after the failed attempt to rescue the British and Italian hostages in Nigeria. Apart from the need for speed in setting up the operation there was also a need for secrecy, both qualities which the Italian Government do not have - might have got on better if we had liaised with the mafia !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just rather unfortunate that the hostages were killed by their captors before being freed - we will have to wait on fuller details to ascertain just how long before the troops arrived were they brutally murdered. At least our Government and troops made the effort.

Nearer home, another theft of note with masonic regalia, an antique (gold) master's chain stolen from within the Lodge at Victoria Terrace , Edinburgh, where it was proudly displayed in a frame on the wall. The thief took three and a half minutes to enter the premises, steal it and leave. What is worse is the fact that some unscrupulous gold dealer will know what it is, buy it for "sweeties" and then have it melted down. The loss of a beautiful piece of history. Time for the return of the birch, stamping foreheads and even removing the odd hand or two - perhaps they do have the right idea in Islam law.

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