Thursday 4 September 2008

From sunshine to a sligtly damper clime.

Back home now and needing to recover from a hectic few days in Avignon, a lot to write about and with literally hundreds of photos it will take ages to get it all sorted.
Francoise and Antoine took us to Avignon on Monday and we headed to our reserved hotel, The Citea, near to the Gare TGV, not realising tht there were now two stations in Avignon - our heart kind of sank when we found that the new hotel was a few miles from where we really wanted to be , and worse still the place was still not finished with engineers working in the Reception. The ground floor was still being worked on, although no doubt the rooms were probably fine but we were not allowed acces till later. SO, being a bit perturbed, and with no means of transport other than taxis - and the French taxi drivers make dick Turpin look like an innocent - they are a law unto themselves and with the prices they charge you might as well expect a meal en route - we were charged £8 for a 400 yard drive last night !!!!!! and one of the others in the group spent £120 in two and a half days.
Anyway , Francoise phoned The Grand Hotel, Avignon, where the rest of the group were to stay and it turned out that there was a cancellation so we got a room at a so called special rate, which turned out well for us.
With time on our hands we were able to have a wander around the town do some shopping and then took ourselves back to the hotel for a spot of sunbathing and a snooze by the rooftop pool.
The weather was superb, so after our siesta we found a restaurant, just off the main square, where we tried out their steaks, a bit of a mistake as the so called entrecotes were kind of tough - not quite up to our usual standards. Anyway - it was food.

Back to the hotel and off to bed as the group from the SESLTA Soutth East of Scotland Licensed Trade Association were not due intill after 12 mn and knowing they had just left Marriane Airport, Marseilles, by coach we were not sitting up for them.

Breakfast Tuesday was good, the group were ever so knackered (undestatement) but all managed to get themselves fed and onto the bus for our first day out.

More to follow later- but have to head for Duns and East Linton in the morning.

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