Sunday 25 April 2010

Dath camps and Salt Mines

Sunny Sunday morning here in Krackow, Poland. Yesterday was a long and at times harrowing day. We left the hotel at 7.40 a.m. for the town centre, met the tour bus and headed out of the City to the Death camps at Auschwitz / Birkenhau where we visited the museums. I do not have the time or composure at the moment to write this up.
We returned to the city had a quick lunch then joined a second tour bur to go to the Town of Wieliczka and were taken down the salt mine there. A truly amazing experience with what was a massive salt mine now converted into a fantastic tourist attraction, with ballrooms, chapels, churches and galleries on various levels underground, We only went to level three at 350 ft underground , but there is a level nine, now under water at nearly 1000 ft down. the salt carvings are just wonderful but a nightmare to photograph due to the translucence of the salt causing bounce from the flash etc.
Managed to let william have a read at my Web User by the UNESCO plaque in one of the big chambers . This chamber is in the Guinness book of records for having held the deepest bungee jump and a hot air balloon ride.
Now about to leave for the city again. catch up later

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