Thursday 15 December 2011

Legs , they are lovely

Once again, not quite enough hours in the day, not sure what happened to Wednesday - I did work in the Dolphin Inn till 2 p.m., some nice clients in for lunch - then home and started all over again till Sparky mark dropped in. His find of the night was my Times Atlas - competes well with Google Earth. And yes, he did leave another chocolate orange from his secret hoard.

The legs are posted by special request by the owner's mother as her daughter had hidden the original photo from her. We were being shown the new shoes.

This morning it was a case of do I hide under the duvet and do a Polar Bear and come out in the Spring, or do a Panda Bear and go sit and wait for my bamboo shoots to appear for breakfast - £70,000 a year to feed the new arrivals at Edinburgh Zoo. In the end I surfaced and headed into town to meet a client, ended up back at the farms doing some work. BUT - it was a case of putting off time till I went to the Dentist !!! Not my favourite past time but in this instance, very necessary, due to long term toothache so it was the start of root treatment for me - shaken, not stirred as they say but it turned out to be not as bad as I had anticipated.

Bit of controversy about the situation at Heart of Midlothian football club where the players have again not been paid their wages - suspicion is that the players will not be putting heart and soul into their game so another lose may be on the cards . For me I see it as blatant blackmail - some of these players (loose definition) are sitting on the bench and drawing £10,000 a week !!! and considering that a couple were earning only £100 a week as Juniors a year ago. Perhaps it is time that Hearts advertised for some new players down at the Job Centre and sent the existing diddies along to the Benefits Office.

We have the con men out and about again in the area, dishing out forged £20 notes, serial number 495315, apparently the notes are really bad so any sensible alert person should be able to spot them - however - .

Just watched the final of Professional Masterchef tonight, these chefs are true artists - their meals are a work of art and having seen the time, effort and skill which they put into their dishes it is easy to see how and why the restaurants they work in can charge so much. The series has been a eye opener, especially to see some of the wonderful restaurants out there.

Before I close, bed time and a day in town tomorrow, hopefully to attend a meeting of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch at Grand Lodge, George Street, Edinburgh - back to the serious matter of these "loo bloos" - supposed to last for up to three weeks, some are lucky if they last three days - I think it is time we had someone carry out a bit of market research on them - might be a job for the local High School to find out which is the best value.

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