Friday 23 December 2011

A season of good cheer - Ho Ho bloody Ho

I am beginning to wonder what xmas is all about - what a carry on, you would think there was going to be a famine of food shortage the way people are buying in the supermarkets. This morning two women were fighting over a bag of potatoes in Asda - queues in the petrol stations, but why, the shops are only closed on Xmas Day and even so there will be the usual Corner Stores open if anyone gets stuck. Just imagine how much food will be wasted and flung out after the event - how many people will gets "presents" they do not want - how many domestic disputes will occur ?? - and how much more unnecessary debt will have been rung up to add to many people's miseries - OR - is it just me, am I wrong.
Not sure what the figures are but today at lunch time they were saying it was the highest spend ever over that two hour period.
I am not speaking without experience today, having been to Costco; Homebase; Booker Cash and Carry; Tesco; and Lidl - and have still to do my own xmas shopping - maybe tomorrow, but then again, maybe not as we have to help out and then have a full day ahead of us at The Dolphin Inn on xmas day - no rest for the wicked

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