Sunday 25 December 2011


Has to be a big MERRY XMAS to all my readers and friends around the Globe, Thanks for joining in, just a pity you are not able to join us here in windy Scotland. No snow for the past few days, green grass, mild (10 C) but "blawing a gale" so to speak - so Santa will have had to be very careful up on those roofs last night.

To think that we still have to get stuck into our xmas dinner, meantime the upside down chappies and chappesess are already in their bed, and on the other side of the World the folks in the West of the USA are just thinking about breakfast - in the meantime there is a veritable mountain of wrapping paper heading into the recycling bins - hopefully most children are happy, but no doubt there will be a few disappointed weans -

So, here in the Dolphin Inn we have just finished serving our clients, and when they have had a burp, loosened their belts, and wound their weary way home, the family will arrive and we will start all over again - this time, no pressure.

So once again - Merry Xmas - I will be back.

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