Friday 22 February 2008

And last night.( Thursday)

Now going backwards in time a bit, last night when I went to Corstorphine I could not get parked near the hall so had to park in a side street and parked up trying not to block anyone , etc. However, when I came out and was heading up the road I saw the papers flapping under the wipers and stopped.
The note read
" Dear Regd. No. Your number and photo of car has been taken and is being forwarded to parking violations. Please do'nt block the acccess road to No.3 parking space again. Thank you"

Obviously the air turned blue in the car and had it not been so late I would have been back knocking on doors, the bloody cheek of the folks. Next time I am passing I will take a photo just to show how I was parked.
Obviously these folks think the Police in the area have very little else to do if they think I am going to be pursued (better not speak too soon!!). It would cause a stir if I complained about everyone who parked outside my door on a public road.

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