Monday 18 February 2008

Sunday Part 2. Robbies surprise

So, to continue, provided you have read Part 1.
Robbie is gobsmacked by the assembled crowd who gave him a resounding welcome and many were up and handing over farwell gifts.
Our young piper, cousin of Princess Kerrin was excellent and played several tunes much to the delight of everyone, but had to leave as a) she was a bit young to be in the pub, and b) it was past her bedtime !!
So the night unfolded with Karaoke Ann lining up singers ( or would be singers) to entertain or mortify the folks according to their ability. Me , I have no room to talk as I left my bar to give an absolutely devastating rendition of " Little old wine drinker me", for which I received a standing ovation from those who had remained in the bar. Robbie managed to get the same response but I am sure they were just being kind to him as he was going away !!
The bar was decorated with Scottish flags, food was plentiful, and I had no shortage of posers looking to have their photos taken - I am not sure if Jackie MacNamara was giving Robbie a present or getting one from him for agreeing to have his picture taken.
It is a bit like the Robbie Burns story of Tam o Shanter, as the night went on the music skirrled, the singers sang, the dancers danced ( Lennie and Gary!!) and the drunks got drunker, etc.
See part 3 for more.

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