Monday 11 February 2008

Upside down boys were a bit late

The upside down boys arrived a bit late at the pub this morning as Robbie had slept in, or had gone back to sleep again. But a fine duo they were, anyway with it being misty in Musselburgh they did not have the benefit of this fine sundial which was high up on a building in Peebles .
It was facinating just wandering along the street haveing a really good look at the buildings, etc. Two signs / plaques I spotted, one for John Buchan the author, who used to frequent his sister's house in the High Street, and the other was for the site of the building Mungo Park, the explorer originally used as a pharmacy in the late 1800's, now a specialist cheese shop. There are lots of other little gems around the town, but to be saved for another day.

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