Friday 1 February 2008

I wondered where but now I ****

Well, last night threatened snow never materialised untill 8 p.m. tonight and there is a good covering with more falling.

It was wild and with the odd blustery snow flurry this morning so having walked to the shops I was blown about a bit and a trifle out of breath.
Later, by car to see Grant (Photogenix) at Bonniyrigg to find that he had been ill for a couple of days having passed out once again due to his strange ailment, of which he one of only a tiny handful in the UK to suffer same.

On to Musselburgh via Booker, but made the mistake of phoning the Mercat first to discover that an expected delivery had not arrived so I had to get their stuff as well, so it was a quick, flying visit to the Sportsmans, where Robbie had Chris and some of the boys in to "wet the bairns heid" , Chris was proud as punch and from what I gather was treated well by the guys who got him "blootered" as tradition ordains.

Swift run to the Mercat to drop off all their supplies, essential before a hopefully hectic weekend, with lots of rugby and the Superbowl, whilst Musselburgh have both horse racing, and Hibs v Rangers on Sunday.

To tonights papers, I see our Assidstant Chief Constable is in the running for a £10,000 prize as one of the most influencial gays in the area - that's nice!! Bloody hell when I joined if you looked the wrong way you were nailed to the wall.

Only consolation is that Midlothian and east Lothian have not joined in the local speed camera tax gathering scam - they say that they have few sites which meet the alleged criteria to save lives or whatever. From where many cameras are sited it just needs to be a long straight piece of road where you get the first chance to pass slow moving vehicles for miles !! And obviously we do not have many of those, the constant ongoing roadworks see to that.

I hear that Stuart Walker, alleged thief and continual driver of cars without a licence was caught again on Wednesday and has had yet another car taken off him. Looks like he will never learn and will not be happy till he kills someone - so anytime he is seen pass on the info to Crimestoppers.

Quiet day for Ann as she could not get out today.

See what happens tomorrow as I am working evening at pub and long day on Sunday.

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