Sunday 22 March 2009

Odds and ends today

Firstly , well done Andy Murray last night in his defeat of Federar so we look forward to the final tonight at Indian wells where he takes on Nadal.
BUT has anyone thought how much like a young Charlton Heston he looks like.

Wakened early by a restless Mrs. B. - never getting a good nights rest these days due to the stress of this f******g ongoing travesty of justice and pantomine orchestrated by the beaurocratic bullies within the Edinburgh City Council - caused initially forty four months ago by two liars and an incompetent nincompoop of a Manager who was ever so biased !!! But then again anyone could say I am biased also - difference being is that I know the lady concerned so well.

Had a bit of an early rush at the pub with a group of Irish lads who were all good humoured , even if a bit hung over.

Left to go to Bonnyrigg for a rehearsal of Tuesdays RA 500 meeting , the lodge was full with a bus load of visiting Masons from through the West , Mothers day and not a female in sight.
Pleased to see Ann Watson back on her feet after a long illness.

So it was me . Welsh Bert and a seriously hung over Sparky Mark left, BUT Sparky did not half get it in the ear for his performance last night- pi****d as a newt, threw up everything he had drang, over the street and even into his bath !!! need his Ajax cream this morning.

BUT - to his credit , this being Mother's Day - he has admitted to a slight bloomer in that he got his dates all wrong - went out last Sunday and bought a card and flowers for his mother, but the flowers he got were artificial , so irrespecive of the fact he put them in water , they will be here next year.

On the other hand, Ma has a card from her beloved wean, who, give him his due, did make a booking for a meal tonight _ but as she is a bit off colour we will give it a miss and dine within.

Might be able to see Andy Murray tonight.

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