Monday 16 March 2009

Sore feet, legs and no masseuse on call.

Suffering tonight after three days on my feet and seriously missing by nightly rub down - however after a long run on tuesday to Runcorn there will be no takers to see to my sore posterior!!

So what happened today - well, the Irish rear guard were still in the City, many suffering from the ravages of John Barleycorn and his friends !! Seems that the longer they stayed the cheaper he flights were home , in fact some came over yesterday for £1 single, but they were great company and enjoyed themselves. Just a shame we did not win. But for anyone betting on colours at the weekend, green and white was a good treble - Ireland - Hibs - and Celtic.

Archie the Pole dancer and Gordon Chortle arrived at The Mercat this afternoon, not sure if they have even been home since Saturday - but we did hear that the Lovely Tracy was ever so unwell - probably due to something she ate at the BREWERY !! Hope she recovers before austin starts school !!

My pet subjects were hard at work today , oops, were present today looking into a big hole in the ground and about about to stuff a great big yellow pipe into the ground , not sure if it is water or gas. I see that during the excavastion in Princess Street they have uncovered three brick built cellars dating back to the 18th century, opposite the Mound, so the historians are doing a bit delving now.

Managed to get the Ford back tonight which will give me a choice for the mornings run - Ryan did well in putting it back together -I hope.

Carol Ann and Dennis called from Dublin, she is recovering after her being knocked out by one of the greyhounds travelling at full tilt !! cost her £100 for two visits to see her G P., which certainly cuts down on time wasting by patients - I know the NHS were thinking along the same lines some time ago and it was knocked back.
We had a bit of debate along the lines of " Q -how do you get three elephants in a mini ? - A. two in the back, and one in the front !!" However, Carol anne , and whats worse Mrs B. are still trying to work it out !!!
Dennis on the other hand, missed the rugby on saturday as he was cutting and rolling the grass - not sure if it was the lawn or his crop of Marijuana !!, probably the former as the weather has been good over there. However - as he was not sure what I was going to say he has had to crack open a bottle of vini tinto.

Wine tasting on 31st of Chilean wines is well suscribed with about forty takers so far, and tonight there is a dating type session in the Bar - more fun !!

I see Andy Murray is playing at Indian Wells this week, but as he is apparantly suffering from a bug, he is not too hopefull - so all the best anyway.

In the meantime - an early bed and up at the crack of dawn for yet another long run.

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