Wednesday 18 March 2009

Some boats / ships in the Port of Leith

Took ourselves into town this morning , and after a meeting with Wattie at George IV Bridge we headed off to the Ocean Terminal shopping centre at Leith. The weather was beautiful so i headed for the roof top car park to have a look at the views. A bit hazy over top the Fife coast, etc, but the dock were clear.
In the main dock was the Royal Yacht which is now a No 1 visitor attraction and even today looked to be busy ,
In the maintenance docks were the two oil vessels, The Orelia ( meaning Golden and a girl's name) is a dive support boat , and the other was a support vessel for the rigs , it was swarming with welders getting on with the job . It is a pity our tram workers did not have the same incentive.
We were down past the pub , "The Port of Leith" which is owned by Mary Moriarty, who has officially retired and featured in the Edinburgh Evening News last week. Regular readers might remeber that she was given a farewell bouquet at the ESLTA Ball in the Assembly Rooms last year.
Leith Walk and surrounding area is still a nightmare with roadworks related to the tram works - good job I was not in an old bone shaker, back would have been put right out.
Away to think about my next rant !!!

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