Sunday 6 November 2011

Has no one here the GUTS to say what needs saying?

Political Correctness here gone mad when we can no longer show Patriotism the way we should or did - The Australian Prime Minister, Julia Goddard caused more than a ripple in the pond when she announced that anyone not wishing to live by the laws, beliefs and integrate into Australian society should pack their bags and go home !! Good on her for saying what the people of her Country believe in - learn English and integrate, accept that they believe in God as they are Christians; and they live by the laws of the land not a Foreign nation or culture , ie Islamic Sharia Law.


Here in the UK we have become the laughing stock of the rest of the World - our Border Agency was told to ignore the rules, take shortcuts and open the gates because they could not cope - NOT GOOD ENOUGH - next time there is a major security issue in the UK, perhaps they will take heed / mind you ,for years we (in the security trade) have said that it will take another major incident to concentrate the mind.

We had an illegal immigrant who had committed a series of offences, he was locked up, but it was ruled that he had been detained longer than legal while his situation was assess - so he gets financial compensation - NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Join the local gym and you can stay for ever !!!

Europe c/0 the MEP (Muppets of European Parliament) are going to penalise the UK because we are trying to restrict immigration - we should shut down the Brussels joke factory and use the money we pay them every year for local projects.

Sideline - the boy band JLS are releasing their sixth album since they made it famous, sales so far - 5,000,000. SUSAN BOYLE - two albums, sales 14,000,000 - no contest - nuff said.

So you want a house here - either get pregnant while unemployed and get flung out by your parents / partner - nae bother ; asylum seeker - nae bother.
BUT - work all your days, lose your business through no fault of your own, struggle on with a new job but poor wages which do not allow you to break even or pay your debts - NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW OR HELP - sorry, go to the back of the queue.

In the meantime, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer - thanks to the greed of the financial institutions; the waste and incompetence of our Politicians (look at Edinburgh Council for example) -

FIFA - the football lot, have banned the English team from wearing Poppies on their strips when playing against Spain !!! WHY ?? NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

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