Wednesday 30 November 2011

Now you see it ,then you don't - Magic Circle fashion

Bit of a long night but up and into the basement training room - good day and everyone worked hard.
Managed to get finished on time and left my group with tasks to complete by next Monday when we meet again.
headed off to Manchester on the Metrolink (tram) which was really good, but it was stopped at Victoria and I had to walk about a mile to Piccadilly Station. Sadly the cause of the disruption was because a car had crashed into a lamp post adjacent to the tram lines, and was blocking the tracks - it could not be moved and I suspect from the intense Police activity that it was either a fatality or likely to be a fatal.

Into the station and onto my train which left on time - it was so slow getting away from Lancashire, God knows what the holds ups were , but eventually the driver got up a fair old speed and we eventually reached Edinburgh about ten minutes behind schedule. The reserved First Class seats were certainly necessary on the way South when the train was really busy, but I might have been able to chance it coming back - but then again !!
I jumped off at Haymarket and went to the Mercat Bar where I found that the Edinburgh Magic Circle were dining in the downstairs dining room - they had eaten and were swapping tricks with each other - having to teach a new trick to a friend in twenty minutes and then the friend had to show it to the group. BUT there were two mesmerised members of staff and four diners who were totally baffled at the end of the night. Great fun had by all.

Home, eventually in the pouring rain, and then up and away to the Dolphin Inn first thing - busy lunch, home, feet up and a wee rest before I head off to Glasgow, Risley and Wetherby in the morning. Judging from the heavy rain and strong winds at the moment and more forecast for during the night might be a long difficult day ahead.

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