Tuesday 22 November 2011

Things did brighten up eventually.

Despite the dull start to the day, sneaky old sun eventually appeared and as I had work to do on the farm I headed off onto the side of the Pentland Hills. Thought our friends in Egypt might appreciate a few photos of some pure bred animals - still out in the fields due to to the mild weather. The cows are still calving and there were quite a few out and about.

Off out this evening to a meeting at Laird O'Cockpen RA 500, candidate in attendance so it should be nice.

Back to work tomorrow at the Dolphin Inn

NOTE ; - we had three earth tremors between Thursday and Friday while away in Egypt - I did have a look to see if there had been anything registered , however as the area is on one of the main "plates" which runs up the Red Sea, it looks like these are very regular and minimal.

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