Tuesday 4 September 2007

William is 60

Beunos Dias, good morning,

William has reached the big 60 today, and does not look a day older. We have some surprises in store for him later, I think.

Yesterday was lovely, tried to relax and chill out but the gardener was going beserk with his strimmer and mower , for about four hours. His ear protectors were to stop him hearing all the curses and threats being shouted at him. And he is about to start somewhere nearby this morning.
Anyway, went out for a meal, ened up playing Blackjack with the entertainment team and I actually won the game so we had an extra bottle of wine to finish off.

I am not sure that we want to keep a tally because it is slightly !! over the levels prescribed by the Dr for healthy drinking.

Chris Reid phoned lat last night, he is doing fine, out and about visiting wine houses, and is coming to stay for the night on Wednesday.

have adopted a black cat for the week, minus part of its ear and it has big fangs.

OK, breakfast then the shops while we set up William later.

1 comment:

ANDY F said...

Why would you want Monteith coming to stay for?. Probably a good night for "the red wine diaries". Bonjour