Saturday 1 September 2007

brunch break

1230 and have been chasing my tail since yesterday.

Worked at Sportsmans last night with Robbie, and the two Karens - very good crowd, friendly, steady and with some great singers on the karaoke. Wee paul was in giving his rendition of Flower of Scotland and 500 miles.

Lady Kerrin and four of her friends arrived, looking "tres glam", all dressed up to go to a 21st party at the Quayside. They never reappeared so they must have had a good night.

Fun and games out in the street earlier in the afternoon with a wee bit of tribal warfare taking place - not sure of all the facts, but I am sure the police, who attended in force have matters well in hand.

Later on, another couple of "eejits" decided to fall out after a visit to the chippi, the proverbial handbags at ten paces a with the occasional rolling about in the gutter to raise the eyebrows of passers by. On this occasion they had left on two different busses to return to their respective fields before the Police arrived.

Home at 02.45 , and up again at 0815. Dropped Graham at The Mercat, visited Bookers fine establishment at Longstone, went to Standing order for a quick chat to Archie before heading home.
In George Street watched Edinburgh's finest traffic wardens in action, they are so enthusiastic about their work, if their pay is performance related they will be loaded.

had a nice wee e mail from Nikki the nanny in the US of A, looks like all the interpersonal skills and drinking practice she had in musselburgh are standing her in good stead.

Must try and fit some more into the case before tomorrows departure.

Plea for help - should any of my readers feel able to assist Graham and co while we are away, please do so, your assistance or offer would be much appreciated.