Friday 22 August 2008

38 years of wedded bliss!!!

Today, all those years ago I was a happy, innocent soul, in love and with no idea what life had in store.
However - now 38 yrs on and the sun was shining when I got up, just a wee bit older.

Into town, parked the car, and round to the Mercat Bar for a cuppa and a wee chat to Ian one of our regulars, before we went round to Imarni's to be pampered. Ian is a pianist who plays at the Peebles Hydro Hotel weekly.

I had a wonderful hydrotherapy massage, on the verge of falling asleep but kept wakening myself up with my snoring !! My therapist, Kate, is excellent and specialises in this particular treatment - she and Ashley the Receptionist did their little pose.
Over to the Mercat bar, where Jamie and co produced the most marvellous steaks for us, Graham just pooded his pants !!! He is taking the micky out of me at present.

Took a walk along to Frasers again where I met Megan at the Clarin's Department - a lovely young lady, now another for Mrs. B. to talk to in the shop.

Stopped into the Hilton Caledonian Hotel for a coffee, but was a bit annoyed as a few reps, etc. were sitting doing their business in the lounge where we were sitting.

Back to The Mercat to meet up with Graham, Jo., Jamie and Claire - there was a beautiful bouquet for Ann from Jo. The place was packed with customers who were there for the comedy shows, who we will only have for another couple of days before the Fringe finishes.

Eventually Graham gave us a lift home to let me get my feet up.

We are doing wonderfully well in the Olympics, another gold for the canoeing, silver in the hop, step and jump, but Jamaica were outstanding in the 4 + 100 m. what a fantastic record. After this amazing games, I have no idea at all how our so called professional footballers can conceivably believe that they deserve the kind of wages they claim they are entitled to. Compared to the majority of these athletes these blokes are unfit, undisciplined, and basically amateur. The matches they play in have none of the excitement we have had for the past two weeks, and realistically they do not deserve the ticket money asked for.
Anyway - another fun day in store, of to a masonic doo a.m. and then through to Cambuslang p.m.

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