Wednesday 27 August 2008

Twas a wee siesta

Goodness me, just coming too after a wee snooze, looks like old age and all these early morning is catching up with me.

So, yet another sleepless night, up early and into The Mercat Bar for the day - this was day of action against mobile phone users by the Scottish Police, but from where I was standing there were quite a few motorists prepared to either ignore or blatantly flout the ban and run the risk of a fine ,endorsements, etc, all for the saving of about £10 for an earpiece.
And still on the subject , watching folks passing on foot, using their phones, getting on and off the buses - along with "our images of still life" at the tram works who spend hours talking to their friends - phones can be a bit of a menace and it is no wonder many companies stop their staff using them during work.

BUT prams - the Lothian Transport people have put a ban on pushchairs on buses, only one on a bus at a time - especially the big ones . I saw a girl having to let six buses pass before a driver would let her on. She had one of these big fancy push chairs, unlike the wee collapsible things we used in the good old days when there as no problem - baby was carried on and the chair went into the baggage rack.

With regard to our thirty eight month saga with Lothian Region Council- it will continue for a bit longer as papers are passed from one to another , (like pass the parcel or they are too hot to handle - or no one is capable of making a decision, which is probably nearer the truth) who are in turn on holidays, etc. So for us , patience is not just a virtue , it has to be supplemented by either drink or medication !!!

Had a customer in for breakfast , pleasant sort who had just driven up from Durham area, quite chatty , obviously passing time before a meeting - he left and came back a short time later all agitated as he had lost some very important papers. He certainly did not have them when he came in - so hopefully he had just left them in the car. Easy to see how papers, computers, get lost these days.

Pub was fairly quiet, however with nearly fifty thousand people crammed into the Royal Mile to see our Gold medal Olympians on the open top bus travelling from the Edinburgh Castle Esplanade down to Hollyrood Place, it was to be expected - good on the athletes - they did well and deserve the accolades, more so than our footballing prima donnas.

Did you hear the true story about the man down south who as he was going to bed saw lights on in his shed where intruders were stealing his property. He dialled 999 but police said as it was the shed and not the house he should lock his doors and Police would come round sometime as there were few officers on duty, he hung up, waited 60 seconds and called back the Police when he said , " just forget about that last call, I have just shot the intruders" - and hung up.
Five minutes later an armed response team and three other cars arrived - Police caught the thieves - one OFFICER said "I thought you had shot them " - HE SAID "I thought you said there was no one on duty" ( from the IPA ( International Police Association magazine)).

PS curious to know who my regular US reader is from North Carolina.

Still no name for baby "It", obviously the Denny's and Hynd's are struggling a bit , perhaps "Winston" might be suitable - it's a pity wee Sarah was not here she would have had it sorted by now - however she is still studying in Oz. , Which reminds me that Ashly, our intrepid world traveller of a neighbour , is away again , but this time to work in Aberdeen for a Company she met and did work for in Australia - good job this time , going off shore and doing seismic stuff - not bad.

In the papers , the lorry driver who slept on the job while thieves "quiet as mice" unloaded his load of cheese worth £15000 from the back of his lorry.
and , more seriously, the coastguards were trying to rescue someone trapped at the bottom of cliffs somewhere on the south of England when a car was driven right off the top of the cliff above them , falling into the sea where the occupant died, having committed suicide.
Work to get on with -

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