Monday 4 August 2008

Winging it tonight.

The Edinburgh Festival cavalcade took place yesterday and I was busy in the pub - so I MISSED it - hundreds of the entertainers etc, took part, and thousands lined the streets of Edinburgh , despite the intermittent rain showers to watch this colourfull annual event.

Not sure what I intend to say tonight - hence the winging it bit - just like some of these acts in the Fringe.
I was up and away early to do some more painting and patching in the Mercat - I must be one of the dirtiest painters in the business as I spend more time cleaning up the drips than painting. Shereen and Nuria were ever so amused when I appeared with the rubber gloves on - perfect for the black gloss paint - but they were worried for a few minutes!!!
Sheeren was saying that she is going into 3rd year accounting at Queen Margaret College - if she can learn to count in time!! But even she cannot work the calculator in the office - I have to add up old style - using the brain.
Apparantly our Comedy club people are excellent and we are already getting a nice wee crowd in - we were even busy this morning which is unusual for a Monday.

Sarah arrived and I saw her searching madly for something - she had lost her purse YET AGAIN - - seems like the youngsters are always losing their wallets, and phones - however in this instance she had dropped it at home.
Watching the documentary on China as I type this - and must admit we had a brilliant time there last year - but everyone is just holding their breath to see what happens during the Olympic Games. The Chinese State Circus is in Edinburgh for the Festival and I see on the poster that the Shanghi motor cycle troup are here - the are bloody brillant - mega spectacular.
On TV tonight - feature on Scotland's lack of recycling - we would love to do more in the pub but we have this lady who owns the property above us and will not allow access though her vennel even although we have offered to keep it clean - so all the bags of rubbish go out through the pub before the place is mopped . WE could be putting out loads of bottles for recycling but it is not possible. Apart from that - the Edinburgh City Council bin men would rather leave the stuff on the pavement than pick it up.

Edinburgh Evening News - today had a good article about caving in Scotland featuring the GSG ( Grampian Spealogical Group) based in Edinburgh "" Many years ago I was a keen caver visiting caves in North Yorkshire ect, with the Durham Cave Club and along with Ferranti boys when my father and his boss used to run buses to Grassington. I loved being underground, crawling, paddling and wading about in the dark - we did Fairy Hole , Long Churn , Upper Long Churn , Alum Pot, etc - just great - and I did not realise we have a cave system right on our doorstep - between Carlops and West Linton - biggest problem I have now - is the extra two and a half stone I now carry!!!!!!!!!!! which makes crawling through small spaces seriously more difficult. Alan Jeffries who runs the GSG was my opposite number in Gayfield Square Police Station about twenty years ago when I was in Crime Intelligence.

I see that prisoners in HMP Edinburgh - Saughton - are soon to get showers and phones in their cells - they will be better off than us - and when Mr Blair and the Labour Government signed up to The European Bill of Human Rights - our criminals now have more rights than decent honest citizens.
On China - they are on about the lack of good drinking water , river pollution, etc, and the problems they are facing now and in the future - it , along with a few other things happening in the world today , like water shortages in the USA - remind me of the plot in Clive Cussler's novel "Blue Gold".

Forged £20 notes are now circulating in Edinburgh - some of them total rubbish - we had one, but I heard a Manager in Sommerfields today telling staff to be on the alert.

On the TV they are saying that many people were made homeless when they cleared the area to build the Olympic Stadium - which is majestic - YET - there are Chinese who are unemployed and do not want to accept work !!# All those normally moved on get rehoused.
Appropriately - next weeks Panorama is about litter louts in Scotland - which fits in with what I am regularly saying.

E mail from Caitlin ( and Rob ) of course - both are doing good ( Caitlin is now full time and getting herself up to the elbows in blood and gore) and Rob has been promoted - so he will not have to work so hard - back to the way he was here !!!

Had to bring Graham's Yamaha motor bike back home today - not a good experience for me as much prefer my own BMW.
Talking of experiences, I went to see the nurse to get blood taken and my ears syringed - BUT BUT she could not take the blood after 3.30 p.m. as they cannot store it - so back I go next week - then when she peered into my lugs there was only a tiny bit of wax, which she sooked out of one ear - weird suction machine based on a dentists sooker - could not touch the other as it was already infected - but no wax - so I am still on for an audio test on Wednesday.
Currently - bottle of "Howcroft Estate" Cabernet Merlot - whilst watching "New Tricks" going down a treat.

Tuesday coming up fast - back in to get on with yet more painting - but I am meeting Kenny Jack who is coming down from Pitlochry to meet up with me - but also on business in Edinburgh.
Hopefully Grant of Photogenix will appear p.m. to help sort out my TV problems.

New Tricks tonight has got a connection with GM crops , barley, tonight which reminded me of the infamous " Battle of Boghall" when the GM / Eco Warriors tried to overrun a crop test at Boghall farm a few years ago - quite an event with about thirty being arrested and subsequently found guilty. Bit of a hoot at the time as the demonstrators thought they were on a good thing - but the Police changed venues for a training exercise and turned up with about 300 officers !!! horses, dogs, and all.

Till later.

1 comment:

Minx2581 said...


Well dunno if you got ma text but i passed my driving test with only 5 faults an dthe only 1 he thought worth mentioning was that he thought i was following too close to some1 on the bypass! I will have to pop up to the mercat sometime to try and catch up with you i have been tryin to remember to read this but by the time i do i am signing off to go to ma pit! never mind see you soon i hope!

Michele C xx