Tuesday 19 August 2008

Rain , Rain (a wee bit sun) and yet more rain

Blooming hell, woke up this morning and it was throwing it down heavans hard, and had been all night, this continued till about 11 a.m. in town when it actually stopped and the sun came out. Thought I would get home and sit in the sun - no way , down came the water again , and again , and for the last two hours it has been bouncing . Now our visitors know what "Scottish Sun" is !!
Headed for town a.m to open the Mercat Bar, where even there , there was water coming through the kitchen roof from a ventilation duct. it was fairly quiet but probably due to the rain.
Anyway, did my thing talking to passers by and watched while two motor cycle officers (Lothian and Borders Police) pulled in a car and dealt with the driver outside the bar. Turned out the driver must have been wanted for something as van was called and the driver taken away in handcuffs.
The tramworks are now with us, with avengance, massive roadworks at both Haymarket and Palmerston Place, traffic chaos at peak times, and with a £600 million budget the workmen appear to be milking the system well and truly - for some it is mana from heaven. I was watching a group for ages today and between them they must have spent a couple of hours on mobile phones when they should have been working.
Our two Spanish barmaids are leaving us this weekend to head off to London for a couple weeks before going back to their studies in Spain, so as Nuria was on with me today on guard duty I have included her photo.

I was unable to make the funeral of George Carruthers, ex P.C. from Dalkeith, / Midlothian who retired six years ago, but has suffered from cancer for some time.
Davy (Bones) Broomfield gave me a call this evening, having been at the funeral, just to let me know how things had gone and catch up with news .
Olympic wise, Team UK are doing excellent, seems that the chaps from Oz are not too happy, first they said we were lucky to be able to swim as we have no pools here and do not even use soap, and tonight - seems they claim we can only win medals in the events where you afre sitting - cycling, rowing, sailing and horse riding - bad show from the bounders. Doubless they have eaten so many kangaroos they cannot run.

rain still pouring - and forecast is no better for tomorrow - but - !!!!!!!!!

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