Sunday 18 January 2009

Lost a day somewhere - Sat

Now Sunday afternoon but what happened to Saturday - just flew by.
Friday night was a restful night, nice juicy steak, bottle of wine + !! and watched movies, however late on RGB announced that I would be needed early rather than late on Saturday !! so up early , sore head and kind of wabbit.
No Tramworks !! all quiet on the western front - and in the street. Weather was wild and windy and I thinks folks were having another duvet day.

Managed to survive till 2 p.m. then home for a nap, and woke up to the sweet dulcet tones of Irish Christine and hubby Joe, who had popped in to see Mrs. B.
Quick scurry around, shower and then picked up by Jo Jo @ HM and we headed off back to The Mercat where a few souls were coming in to see Iona before she heads back to Townsville in the Land of Oz for a break. Theme of the night was Hawaiian dress and several managed to make the effort. Kiera Murphy had brought a two of her budding comedians with her, and David in the kitchen had produced a lovely sweet and sour chicken dish with sweet rice.
The Cossack at the door was just a bit mixed up but RGB took pity of him.

Home , once again a trifle tired, but no rest for the wicked , up and away early again - shock to the system when eleven Dutchmen walked in at 9 a.m. - but we coped, they were happy and even reappeared at 1 p.m. for beers and to watch the Dutch football on Setanta.

Shrek @ Jamie decided to give me a hard time, so that kept him amused, and in fear of his life for a wee while, while RGB and The Laird @ Sir Christopher kept the peace. Chris's Grandad is a bit poorly in hospital having suffered a slight stroke and is not happy about being so restricted.

I see the "upside down boy" and Caitlin have been on the net, but I am also curious to know who it is in Italy who is also a regular ?

Anyway - a quiet day, cold and with snow back on the hills, so now home, feet up for the evening.

1 comment:

MackayKJ said...

Hi Stuart! it's grumpy futtock's middle daughter (italian connection). Hope you are all well. Next time I'm over we'll stop in for a drink.