Saturday 10 January 2009

Something else to get up to today

Up early , not quite as bright as a weebutton , but feeling not to bad - three dry nights, plus my cough bottle all aiding the cause.

Plans today are to get the McEwans bus into town shortly, walk along to Haymarket and open up the Mercat, where hopefully we will have a few folks in for breakfast and lunch . Then 'nother bus down to the masonic Club at Shrubhill and make a rare appearance at a meeting of the Corporation of the Squaremen this afternoon. The Squaremen are one of the more social and less formal sort of side orders which freemason can join and are linked back to the various Craftsmans Guilds which were in the City. they raise a lot of money for Charity and have an annual service in the Magdallean Chapel in the Cowgate, a facinating little church which is well worth the visit. All the crests of the many Guilds from Edinburgh are around the walls, it is one of these well hidden little nuggets . It is normally a bit difficult tomake these meetings as we are working , but the times have been changed till 3 p.m. instad of 12 md.
There are several groups, or "Sheds" in Scotland but only one in England, so we occasionally get blokes coming up north to join.
That should take a couple of hours, bar might be open for a light libation, and afterwards depending on how the mood takes me , or what way the wind blows I can please myself and later get another bus home.
Mrs. B is meeting up with a couple of her friends, Irish Christine, etc., so she will not miss me for a few hours or so !! She will be having one of those sessions where ladies breath through their ears whilst their tongues and mouths are in action !!

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