Thursday 7 January 2010

Certainly brass monkey weather.

Minus 9 C at 0700hrs and currently minus 8 C , if it warms up as quickly as this I will not need a coat today !! YES it was a bit chilly last night, far too cold for snow, but fortunately little wind so the wind chill factor is low.

I have just finished, after umpteen weeks ( long time) reading "The Invisible College" by Robert Lomas, which is about the formation of the Royal Society, its links with Freemasonry and the birth of modern science. Certainly an interesting book, extremely well researched, full of history and lots of detail from around 1660. Book is basically about Sir Robert Moray,an eminent freemason (Scotsman) and how he formed the Royal Society in London.
There were two other interesting sections near the end, one part about Sir Stephen Hawking, one of our most eminent scientists, and the the Appendix on "The Scientific Secrets of the Craft" which lays out just about as much as anyone needs to know about Freemasonry - well written worth a read, but readers will need to take their time to assimilate all the details.

It would be nice now just to crawl back under the duvet, but, there is a big wide world out there, so today is an away day - off to town and see what's happening.

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