Saturday 23 January 2010

Fridays findings - holes, cars, sky and all.

Saturday a.m., now raining which is slowly clearing away the snow lying in the back garden and in the road at the back of the house.
Friday was a bit of a long day , up before any sensible person should have been , along with RGB who was off to his usual Friday dawn meeting of "The Cult" !! and off into town.

Managed to get my new "free space" to park in once again , but it an awful job you have to sleep in the car to get these spaces !! and even at 6.45 a.m. some "dozy" lady driver did her best to block me in.
Anyway - The Mercat Bar beckoned and after a nice wee walk along Haymarket it was into the fold once more. Not much Chance to have a quiet morning as I had a young lady knocking on the door at 8.30 looking for a breakfast !! End result was that both Claire and I were busy so unfortunately I was unable to get way to pay my respects to the late Michael Lynch at Warriston Crematorium.

Very busy through lunch time with a group of twenty one to start me off, so we ( RGB, Sir Christopher, Fiona, Claire and Jamie) were well and truly kept on our toes.

Managed to get away sharp at 3 p.m. with RGB but we had a detour via Bookers to collect a few odds and ends for Sunday buffet. Next stop was a quick one for me, but a job I had to check out , and in doing so snapped this very inconsiderate driver taking up two parking spaces - not really what you want to do top attract attention, especially when your road tax is well out of date !!!
Homewards, to find that after three days digging the gas men still have not found what they were looking for, BUT I do have a new meter installed.

The sky was really unusual hence the photos, mass of cloud turning red above and near Penicuik, however to the west bright blue skies beneath it. My neighbour was also fascinated and she headed off to find her camera also.

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