Thursday 15 May 2008


It has been a long day , up at 5.30 a.m . as I could not sleep for bad dreams, but no cramps. So off i headed early doors to The Mercat where I managed to set off the alarm system on the qway in, however after that I guddled my way through a morning set up. The new Chef Sarah was in today so it was the blind leading the blind till Samantha eventually tipped up looking like a collie dog - but she is getting her hair cropped on Friday.

Pottered about and did some odd jobs, Mark will be proud of me - no bangs or fires, but I duid wire a socket up back to front - but realised what I had done.

Lawrence, one of the customers comes in every day , and this morning was joined by a young French lady and they sit and chat away in French for ages over a glass or three of le vin rouge et blanc.

Home to join Dougie and dog (not the dog) who had finished papering, now it is all the funny little finishing touches and painting to be done , before I get landed again with the next bit.

Cut the grass with my new Bosch mower, but I cannot say I am impressed with its finish but it is easier than keeping sheep.

Spent ages on the computer earlier but got nowhere fast - AOL were working on the system which just kept locking me out. I had planned on doing another letter to Edinburgh Council, but that was knocked on the head, for the meantime.
So now the family are all home it of off to bed, "to sleep berchance to dream".

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