Monday 19 May 2008

Still sunny but a bit colder.

Peace reigns - Mrs B is away for two days along with Claire from the Mercat down to Peebles for a bit og R & R - which she needs. Claire has gone for the treat due to her hard work in the kitchen and to make up for being left behind when the boys all went off to Prague.

Was up and away early again this morning trying to get more jobs done in the pub, getting there slowly - but had to call a halt so I will be back in later tonight when the kitchen has closed.

I hear that Edwardo is back from Argentina and is coming to do some shifts with us - I look forward to that as he is a good guy and a good cook also.
Snottery Willie - on Saturday I had to sit and listen to a bloke sniff , snort and cough for two hours constantly, it was seriously annoying and reminded me of a bloke I worked with many years ago. No matter what time of theyear it was he always had a runny nose and was constantly wiping it with his handkerchief or his sleeve!! shiny sleeves and his nickname with the local neds was Snottery Willie.

Photo of a workman in a crane basket taken on Saturday morning in Edinburgh - he was supposed to be repointing the roof of a tall building but his basket was not fixed so whenever he put pressure on the wall to push in cement the basket kept swinging away from the wall. It was probably a very expensive bit of pointing and more than likely not well done due to his problems.

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