Friday 2 May 2008

Snake in the cupboard

Friday night, bit under the weather with lack of sleep and too much red wine - but what about this ??

Photo is of Sparky Mark who discovered oil when draining my radiators so we could take them off the wall to repaper - he hurt his back jumping off the wardrobe at his local massage parlour.

Kristen of the Sportsman's called yesterday in hysterics to say that she had just opened her cleaning cupboard in the house and saw a snake !! She thought it was one her sons toys, but when it moved kind of got that wet feeling in her pants - it was for real, so she phoned the SSPCA who when they arrived discovered that it was a real Adder - one of Scotland's only poisonous snakes - no idea how it had got there but as it was obviously hungry it was not as active as it could have been. For me it would have been a brown adrenilin job in the pants as I hate snakes.

Sir Christopher is now back after his sojourne at Centre Parks where he had a great time with Miss Talk a Lot, his Ma, Tam and Catherine, and now back to do a bit of work before going to Prague.

"Went to the hospital this morning for all sorts of huffing and puffing tests to see why i was coughing so much , however after finding the whole thing very interesting I began to try and better myself with the end result that they said I had no problems - so back to the initial problem - why am I coughing all the time.

Ann managed to make it to The Standing Order in George Street and met up with "Old Archie" but as I arrived a few minutes later we had to leave bore seeing the big man himself.

Off the The Mercat bar, which was jam pam packed so we helped out both on the floor and behind the bar - just remembered- I was on the bar last night while the football was on - great resul;t for Rangers and Scotland - but the poets session was on down stairs - just a wee bit different and harder to come to terms with. One of our USA attendees came up with a poem of reincarnation where he was reborn as a flower with a bee masturbating on his head - perhaps a wee bit of LSD coming into the equation here. from what I heard I think I might become a poet also.

Upon a hill there stood a dookit,
it's no there now'
some buggers took'it.

Back to the house, which is lying like the proverbial council tip, it's so comfortable - I am dreading the decorating getting finished when I will need to sit with clean underpants and socks on - and we should half about ten trips to the car boot sales to get rid of Mrs B's junk.

Currently sitting with a smiling Sparky mark - having had a couple of Baileys in chocolate cups, a few red wines for me and for him a quadruple of magners - all as a reward for moving furniture around - just hope that it does not rain for the next few weeks as we have run out of space in the house.

Sami received the returns I had left him but when donated to Morrison's The Bookie , he manged to lose itall on somethingthat should have been turned into dog food ages ago.

Q. where are the upside down people - Robbie and Caitlin No news is upsetting.

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