Friday 11 July 2008

BAA - The Heathrow Syndrome

At the last posting we were heading for Edinburgh to The Mercat which we did and were delighted to see JP in person, right as rain having recovered from his bout of whatever it was. The place was full of staff are Graham was on his final day of staff training. We had the Spanish, Agneska from Poland and Neeve ( wrong spelling) from Ireland !! and trying to keep some semblance of order Graham @ Grasshopper, Allan.
No hesitation today , it was to be a steak for me and once again a fish for Ann - just mouth watering . We heard from one of the staff that an American couple had been in for dinner at the end ot their tour of Scotland and had said that the food was the best they had tasted. Fine praise indeed.
A bit later than planned, as Mrs.B. would not stop talking to Grasshopper and Brenda - we left for the airport, parked up at the NCP long stay, through security, and were just in the smelly area (perfumes, etc) when the flight was called, early !! and we were ushered aboard the BMI plane.
Took off early and arrived ten mins early 2150 at Heathrow, BUT BUT - we were then held on the taxi way as our bay at T1 was still occupied, we eventually were taken to a bay at T2 and put on a bus and taken round to T1 to get our baggage. BUT BUT
The pantomime began - we went to Carousel 8 to wait, and wait, and wait, then were sent to another hall to Carousel 12, to wait and wait, and then back to No 8 to wait, and , yes, wait. having left Ann at the Exit of No 12 - she then appeared at 2300, looking for me, complete with suitcases which had come off on No 12-. We thought that all the BAA problems were restricted to T5, but it looks like they enjoy sharing the misery about so the bug has reached T1. They could not organise a **** up in a brewery. No complaints with BMI - it was not their fault, the plane was on time and the flight as good.
So out we went where William was patiently waiting and were soon back in Eagham to view the progress of their new extension - which is massive, Sandra is going to have a beautiful and massive kitchen to make her tea and toast !! So all their efforts and living in a mess for so long will all be worthwhile.
Now - up and about and we will soon be off back to the airport for the flight to Brussels and Antwerp.

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