Wednesday 2 July 2008

Murray v Nadal, amongst other things

What can I say about that tennis match which has just finished, obviously disappointed in the result but when you realise just how badly Murray played compared to Monday, just what does he expect when you look at the statistics. The only positive thing is that if Nadal - who was awsome, can improve and achieve the way he has done by hard work and dedication, then I am sure that Andy Murray can do like wise. The statistics said everything , Murray only had 48% of his first serves in and had 24 + unforced errors, and , on this occasion lady luck was against him. As Mrs. B. has just pointed out, it is fine for we armchair warriors to be critical when we do not know one end of a tennis raquet from another !! and cannot run the length of a bar let alone a tennis court.
To more news, the above banner was draped on my neighbours wall which would tend to indicate that their globetrotting daughter Ashley has returned home after nearly two years away - she initially set off for six months in New Zealand, but got kind of sidetracked from thereon working her way through Australia, then to China, up into the Himalayas and Nepal, and back through India -with some great adventures and experiences en route.
She has managed to make it back in time for her sister's wedding on the 27th , BUT - how long she remains here after that is the burning question.
My one little treat to myself today was to nip into Imarnie's at Haymarket this morning to see the girls and have a chat , and when I found out there was spare block in the appointment book I managed to get a back and shoulder massage - just what I needed to get the knots out and give me a chance to relax after last nights antics with these constant leg cramps. I am not sure if there is enough quinine in a gin and tonic to act as a deterrant, but I am willing to try and find out again.
My friend Danny, has been in good form this last couple of days - so his gem for the blog is :-
Chinese proverb........"The sparrow runs forward" Thought you could use this. (Dan).

And to think , I thought I was the only person needing to go and lie in a darkened room under sedation !!!

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