Wednesday 2 July 2008

The bucket men came - and went.

It was a lovely bright morning so it was off to town on the steed of steel today - again it saves on the parking fees which are ridiculous.
Joiners were in working on the bottom bar trying to make some room and with the new K.P. , Davy on site , I was left pottering and helping (I even managed to make a cup of frothy coffee for myself with the big machine)..
We had a lot of rubbish waiting to be double bagged once the Allied Waste folks had dropped off their bags, and we are charged plenty for the privilege of getting it moved, and if we get it wrong then the City Environmental Wardens issue fixed penalty tickets.
However, I was along the street and passed a load of rubbish, all bagged in City of Edinburgh Council bags, which had been put out by the flat dwellers, and I know that some had been out since Saturday and was beginning to be a bit of an eyesore. On my way back I saw the shiny new bucket lorry stopping beside the litter and just happened to take a wee snap of it - however, much to my surprise when the lorry pulled away there was still the heap of rubbish lying. It looks as though they only emptied the street litter bin and left the lot. These are the blokes who are threatening to go on strike - so if this is the mess that's left when they are working what will it be like when they are off!!!

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