Thursday 17 July 2008

Mama Mia - the movie.

Made it to the cinema tonight, having been a lover of Abba for years and seen the musical of Mama Mia at the Palyhouse Theatre, Edinburgh , it was time for the movie. It was wonderful, the cast super, with Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Julia Walters, etc. perfect casting, and the music great . In the cinema the sound and effects are great and you really do appreciate how marvellous ABBA were as writers and musicians - the words of their songs were so appropriate to the music. I look forward to buying the DVD when it is released.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Watch Mamma Mia online free on losmovies now. I absolutely loved Abba when I was a teenager in the late 70's. With the big names in this movie, I assumed it would be at least average and maybe even good.

Sadly, this movie is a huge disappointment. I'm searching for the right words without being too critical, but frankly, they don't exist. No plot, no (singing) talent, and no satisfactory ending. Hard to believe Meryl Street, Pierce Brosnan, and Colin Firth stooped to this level. Without them the movie would have been laughed out of Hollywood.

Please don't waste your $$. Buy an old Abba CD instead and enjoy the real thing.

See more: Watch 132 movies free.