Monday 28 April 2008

Monday night - even more puggled

It has just taken ages to download these photos, anyway, now 8.45 p.m., again I have spent most of the day skimming walls, applying PVA bonding, etc, but we are getting there.
The decorator, Dougie arrived this morning to start and hang the paper - me having done all the leg work, however if we are to carry on at this rate we will still be doing doing this at x-mas.
Dougie brought with him the mega intelligent Cody - 10 year old Border Collie, who kept Ann on the go all day with his constant wanting to play - so she walked him several times untill they both fell asleep in the afternoon - just in time to give me and Dougie a bit peace. As you can see he is always ready and alert, but he does go a bit cross eyed when he touched his nose with his tongue - as do most folks.
My slippers are on their last legs, now held together with "Duck tape" and beginning to smell a bit after constant use. I always get the type with the hard soles so that I can wear them down the street when Ann hides my shoes!!
Was sent for the messages today so made the best of it by having a good blether to all and sundry, Sunbed Colin Smith and one of my former colleagues Eddie Anderson , now 74 yrs old - it was he who used to bring his alsation Dawn on the nightshift when I also took Goldie the labrador - that way no one would bother us when we were on patrol.
I had no problem getting petrol at the local BP garage, and they said they had been quiet - although Sommerfields were busier than usual - so they think that folks are shopping local rather than going to the big out of town Centres.
My trip to Runcorn has been postphoned for a couple of days, looks like a wed p.m. pick up, night run and return on Thursday - now just waiting on Fraser to give me a call.
No word from either the upside down folks or Edwardo in Argentina.
Tuesday , as Graham is away to Dundee for a Licensed trade doo I am getting christened with a backshift at The Mercat. - That's obviously after I have done some more work on these walls.

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